Hepatitis C Elimination Strategy for AI/AN Communities

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the driving force behind the nation’s increasing rates of liver cancer and American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals are disproportionately affected by HCV. National data indicates AI/AN people have the highest incidence of acute HCV infection (1.76/100,000) and the highest HCV-related mortality rate (12.95/100,000) of any race/ethnicity. Fortunately, treatments for this medical condition have never been so effective.

To successfully prevent and treat HCV, the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, along with our federal and tribal partners, have developed the Hepatitis C Elimination Strategy for AI/AN Communities. In this document, you will find the rationale, program design, as well as a toolkit that can be used by healthcare providers and tribal decision-makers to develop community-tailored HCV micro-elimination programs.

We can all have an impact in addressing HCV. Please join us in turning the tide against this treatable medical condition.

To access the Hepatitis C Elimination Strategy for AI/AN Communities, please click here.