
Past Presentation

Journey to Health ECHO | September 26, 2024

Date of Presentation: September 26, 2024

In this presentation, Alison “Al” Whitemore, LCSW, RPT (Round Valley Indian Tribes) discusses “Back to School – Reflections on Tribal Support”


Presented by:

Alison "Al" Whitemore, LCSW, RPT


Alison “Al” Whitemore, LCSW, RPT, is an enrolled tribal member of Round Valley Indian Tribes. She has 25 years of experience in social work bringing collaborative approaches in Neuro-relational, Ecological, Developmental and Cultural frameworks in Indigenous mental health and wellness. She works to be in right relationship with Mother Earth and the imperative social justice movements of our time. As well, she grapples to subvert colonial approaches by connecting with traditional ways of thinking to restore health and well-being to our communities. Al has been privileged to work in both Tribal public health programs and with national Native organizations, currently focusing her energies on strengthening the relational health of families. As a current Napa Parent/Infant Mental Health Fellow, Al is expanding her understanding of how we nurture the development of our infants and young children.



Alison Whitemore
Alison Whitemore

Alison “Al” Whitemore, LCSW, RPT, is an enrolled tribal member of Round Valley Indian Tribes. She has nearly 30 years of experience in clinical social work practice bringing collaborative approaches in Neuro-relational, Ecological, Developmental and Cultural frameworks of Indigenous mental health and wellness. Al grapples to subvert colonial approaches by connecting with traditional ways of thinking to restore health and wellbeing to our communities, learning from mentors and elders.   Al has been privileged to work in both Tribal health programs and with regional/national Native organizations, currently focusing her energies on strengthening the relational health of community through families. Al is an alumni of the Napa Parent/Infant Mental Health Fellowship and recently completed the Georgetown Certificate in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation.

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Resources Provided:

Date added: September 27, 2024