
These faculty and staff are dedicated to sharing their knowledge with our clinics as well as our communities and they can help you implement programs to address various health conditions.

To connect with one of the experts, please contact us today at echo@npaihb.org.

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Dr. J. Neil Henderson

Dr. J. Neil Henderson

Neil Henderson, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Medical Anthropology at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus, and former Executive Director of the Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team. He is Oklahoma Choctaw. Neil's research areas focus on aging issues ...read more
Chandra Wilson

Chandra Wilson

Chandra Wilson, MSW, was raised primary by her grandmother, and is Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin-Pauite of the Klamath Tribes of Oregon and was raised on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. She is a health professional and social worker with a ...read more