
Past Presentation

Child passenger safety for patients with special health care or behavioral health needs | February 24, 2022

Date of Presentation: February 24, 2022

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Maternal and Child Health   Early Relational Health: Parents, Caregivers, and Babies ECHO  

Keywords: #child passenger  #safety  

In this presentation, Kyndra Lathim, CPST-I, Health Educator at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Injury Program, reviews child passenger safety for patients with special health care or behavioral health needs.

Presented by:

Kyndra Lathim









Kyndra Lathim has been working in healthcare as a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor since 2013.  During that time she found a passion working with the most vulnerable population and started helping families and children with special healthcare needs ride safely in adaptive car seats. In the beginning of 2021, she established a fitting station at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital for children with special healthcare needs, and sees families from all over the PNW ranging from the medically fragile to complex behavioral needs. When she’s not working she is a competitive powerlifter, and spends time with her 10 year old daughter, husband, and energetic Irish setter puppy, Tucker.



Resources Provided:

Date added: February 15, 2022