
Upcoming Events / Sessions


Next session for this program:
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 12:00 pm PST

View All Upcoming Sessions


Designed for

The COVID-19 ECHO is now The Month in Virology. All resources and past presentations can still be found in the resource library under Virology.

Need Support?

Indian Country ECHO's clinical team are here to answer your clinical questions, provide consultation and support your team.

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Associated Resource Hubs

COVID-19 Resource Hub
COVID-19 Resource Hub

To assist clinicians in COVID-19 vaccination, screening, treatment, and management efforts, the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and our partners developed these resources. […]

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Success Stories in Indian Country

didgwálič Wellness Center

“Our mission is to improve outcomes with quality health care by removing barriers to treatment” – these words are emblazoned on the wall of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community’s didgwálič Wellness Center, greeting everyone who enters. Since the wellness center’s opening in 2018, didgʷálič has been immensely successful in fulfilling this mission. [...]

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