
Dr. Topher Jentoft

Dr. Topher Jentoft


“I am inspired to be of service, to work with extraordinary people to limit health inequity, and to blunt the impact of centuries of inequities. My work is unambiguously towards a good.”

Christoper “Topher” Jentoft currently serves the Diné as Clinical Director at Chinle Health Care Center. Previously, he served the White Mountain Apache Tribe at the Whiteriver Indian Hospital for 10 years. Starting as a full-spectrum family physician, he later moved to full-time work in the ER. Topher was founding clinician of the local Jail Clinic and HIV/AIDS Ryan White Clinic, Deputy Director of the Emergency Department, Medical Director of the local EMS agency, coordinator of unofficial, ad hoc “Middle Management Committee” of medical staff leadership, High-Risk Team Coordinator during Alpha and Delta COVID-19 surges, and Deputy Infection Control Officer under Incident Command during Omicron. His professional interests include blunting morbidity and mortality resulting from man-made inequities in health while working towards their ultimate resolution.

Emergency Medicine ECHO Program

Topher is faculty for the Emergency Medicine ECHO Program, which is designed to integrate best practices in clinical emergency medicine, and treat patients locally with holistic, culturally appropriate care.

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