
Past Presentation

Summer Child Passenger Safety | June 29, 2023

Date of Presentation: June 29, 2023

Type: Past Presentation  

Audience: Clinical  

Program: Early Relational Health: Parents, Caregivers, and Babies ECHO  

Keywords: #heatstroke  #passenger  #pediatric  #prevention  #safety  #summer  

In this presentation, Tam Lutz (Lummi Nation), MPH, MHA, CPST, MCH Programs Director, Tammie Scott, BS, CPSI, WEAVE-NW Health Educator, and Olivia Whiting-Tovar (Oglala Sioux Tribe), BA, Tribal Injury Prevention Project Coordinator, from the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, share summer child passenger safety tips including strategies you can use to prevent vehicular heatstroke, pedestrian safety and child passenger safety partnership offerings, and the vital role of child passenger safety technicians (CPST) in tribal communities, and essential resources for safe summer travel. 

Please note recording will be made available shortly following the session.


Presented by:

Tam Lutz (Lummi Nation), MPH, MHA, CPST | Olivia Whiting-Tovar (Oglala Sioux Tribe), BA | Tammie Scott, BS, CPSI


Tam Lutz, MPH, MHA, CPST is the Maternal Child Health Programs Director and Native Boost Project Director at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB).
Olivia Whiting-Tovar, is the project coordinator for the Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement (TIPCAP) Injury Prevention Program (IPP) at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB).
Tammie Scott, BS, CPSI, is the WEAVE-NW Health Educator at the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB)

Resources Provided:

Date added: June 29, 2023